Inkle Studios, celebrated for creating Heaven's Vault and A Highland Song, has unexpectedly launched a new game, The Forever Labyrinth, in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture. This free, browser-based narrative adventure invites players into a maze that spans the entire history of global art. The game's premise revolves around the search for Professor Sheldrake, who has disappeared within a mysterious maze that changes from serene gardens to clifftops and more, each room adorned with art from prestigious museum collections.
Described as a "replayable rogue-like adventure" by Inkle, The Forever Labyrinth offers a unique journey through art and history, requiring players to identify clues within the artwork to navigate through the labyrinth. Despite an average playtime of around 20 minutes, uncovering all the game's secrets demands multiple playthroughs, supported by a save system to track progress.
Available now for play, The Forever Labyrinth presents an innovative way to engage with art, combining Inkle's storytelling charm with educational exploration. This release follows the success of A Highland Song, further establishing Inkle's reputation for creating compelling narrative-driven games.
Source: Eurogamer