Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld, the first installment in the "Ghost Road" series of visual novel games, has launched on Steam on Yuandan (The New Year's Day) 2024. The game immerses players in a rich narrative woven around ancient Chinese mythology and the underworld.
Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld - Screenshot
In Ghost Road, players assume the role of the Ghost Detainer, investigating the past deeds of three female leaders in a world filled with myths, ghosts, and monsters. The game is divided into three parts, each telling a unique story drawn from the ancient Chinese mythological tales of the underworld.
Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld - Screenshot
The first tale delves into a tragic love story during the Republic of China era, involving a singer and her complex relationships. The second story revolves around the Three Lives Stone and the demonic disturbances in the Daduan Dynasty, exploring themes of choice and love. The third narrative features a lonely spirit fox who transforms into a beautiful girl, waiting for sincere affection through the ages.
Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld - Screenshot
Ghost Road distinguishes itself with original artwork inspired by ancient Chinese Taoism and modern anime styles. The scenes are infused with elements from ancient Chinese cultural relics, offering a panoramic view of the underworld, complete with eerie and bizarre atmospheres.
Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld - Screenshot
The game's OST features traditional Chinese instruments, creating an authentic and ethnic soundscape. The music, rich in ancient Chinese melodies and pentatonic scales, is meticulously crafted to enhance the gaming experience.
Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld - Screenshot
'Ghost Road: Awakening from the Underworld' promises a gripping story with over 200,000 original scripts, an all-star voiceover cast, and multiple storylines leading to various endings. This visual novel is a must-play for fans of Chinese mythology and ghost-themed games, offering a unique and immersive audiovisual experience.