On May 6th, the 2022 indiePlay China indie Game Awards, the most potent indie game award event in China, is now open for game submission The award is organized by CiGA (China indie Game Alliance) and supported by major indie publishers and media like indienova, IGDA, UGDAP, and many other associations, with a special overseas category for games developed outside of China.
A screenshot of the award categories in 2022 indiePlay.
CiGA was founded in 2015 and has now become one of China's largest independent game organizations. In the previous years, CiGA had successfully held the awards seven times, uncovering gems like ICEY, My Time at Portia, WILL: A Wonderful World and many others.
A photo shows in the 2017 indiePlay; Yoko Taro was the guest for the award presenter.
Apart from its indie roots, the CiGA also has strong relationships with well-known game developers. Sakaguchi Hironobu, Hideki Kamiya, Jakob Stokalski, Koji Igarashi, etc., were all invited to the previous indiePlay as guests.
Submission will be closed by July 22nd, 2022. Before that, it opens to developers from worldwide, and a great opportunity for your game to be introduced to Chinese audience.