The iconic Silent Hill series, stagnant for over a decade since the release of 'Silent Hill: Downpour' in 2012, sought rejuvenation with its latest offering, 'Silent Hill: Ascension.' Unfortunately, this new venture, crafted by the 'massively interactive entertainment' company Genvid, has not resonated with the fanbase, stumbling at its first hurdle.
'Silent Hill: Ascension' takes an experimental approach, merging the franchise's lore with an interactive experience reminiscent of a Twitch stream. The series deviates from traditional gameplay, offering an episodic journey that relies on audience choices to dictate the narrative. The premiere episode was released on October 31 through a mobile app and a dedicated website, granting players a day to shape the storyline, revisit the content, and collect 'influence points' by solving puzzles.
Jacob Navok, CEO of Genvid, assured that the essential elements of 'Ascension' are accessible without charge. Despite this, the game has introduced a 'battle pass' system, allowing purchases of influence points and cosmetic rewards, stirring up controversy among players.
The initial episode of 'Ascension' faced criticism for its user interface and a subpar live show, questioning the value of the paid content. Technical issues compounded the frustration, with problems arising from an overwhelming number of users tuning in for the debut.
Furthermore, the experience was marred by inadequate chat moderation, leaving the platform vulnerable to spam and inappropriate comments. Navok attributed this to the unanticipated traffic and is committed to addressing these moderation issues.
Despite the rocky start, Konami seems to recognize the significance of 'Ascension' in reviving the 'Silent Hill' brand. Motoi Okamoto, a producer at Konami, highlighted the project's role in the series' resurgence. Genvid collaborates closely with Konami to expand the 'Silent Hill' narrative, introducing new characters and locations.
Yet, with fans expressing disappointment and skepticism, not only towards 'Ascension' but also the upcoming 'Silent Hill 2' remake and 'Silent Hill F,' the future of this horror classic hangs in the balance.
Source: Kotaku