The new ancient-styled detective AVG, "Goodbye Broken Blade", set in an isolated mountain mansion, has made its appearance on Steam. The storyline revolves around a series of terrifying murders taking place within this secluded setting. The protagonist, a novice dart master named Bei Yan, unexpectedly finds himself trapped in the mountains alongside his senior sister during a simple letter-delivery mission. As the situation intensifies with the discovery of more bodies, it becomes evident that the murderer is among the trapped individuals.
Goodbye Broken Blade - Screenshot
Upon arriving at the historical martial arts sect, Broken Blade Mansion, Bei Yan encounters its peculiarities. Positioned amidst desolate mountains and connected to civilization by only a suspension bridge, the mansion's architectural designs stand out as odd. Its once revered status now seems eerily quiet and abandoned.
Goodbye Broken Blade - Screenshot
The game introduces characters like the astute Bei Yan, his reliable senior sister Hong Yan, the direct disciple Shen Mu, the insightful young medic Yuan Xiao Chi, the poetic heir Xiang Shi Wen, and the enigmatic servant Si Xu.
Goodbye Broken Blade - Screenshot
Boasting over 300 character illustrations and over 20 original background designs, the game vividly captures the essence of an ancient mansion set between scenic cliffs and waterfalls. Its dark and immersive artistic direction aligns perfectly with the suspense-filled narrative.
Goodbye Broken Blade - Screenshot
During gameplay, players navigate through the mansion, collecting clues and piecing together events. Testimonies play a crucial role, but deceit lurks in the shadows. As the story culminates, players have the chance to accuse anyone, resulting in varying endings. However, only one truth awaits discovery.