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Hades II Gears Up for Early Access Launch in Q2 2024

By Xueyang
Sep. 15, 2023 updated 05:23

Hades II Gears Up for Early Access Launch in Q2 2024Hades II Gears Up for Early Access Launch in Q2 2024

After turning heads with an intriguing preview at The Game Awards 2022, the team behind Hades II has finally spilled the beans about their Early Access plans. Slated for a Q2 2024 release on Steam and the Epic Games Store, the developers are keen on ensuring that the game is a rewarding experience right from its Early Access launch.

While eager gamers might be chomping at the bit, the team has a solid reason for the wait. They're committed to offering as much day-one content for Hades II as was available in the original Hades during its Early Access phase. In other words, they're striving to make the game worth your time and investment from the moment you start playing.

If you're already sold on the concept, you can add Hades II to your wishlist on both Steam and Epic Games Store. Moreover, an email sign-up is available for those who want to stay in the loop about the game's Early Access availability.

Before the game becomes accessible to the masses, a limited sample of players will get the chance to participate in a pre-launch technical test. This is a critical step for the developers to identify and rectify any technical or compatibility glitches, ensuring a seamless experience for everyone when the game officially goes live. Specifics about this test will be announced as it nears its launch.

The importance of Early Access is not lost on the team. They see it as a stage for player feedback that can still shape the game's core content, as was the case with the original Hades. After the Early Access period starts, players can expect regular major updates that will enhance the game's narrative, add new characters, and refine existing content. While the exact timeline to the final launch version is not set in stone, the developers are committed to upholding high-quality standards for Hades II.

With both the development team and the gaming community equally invested in the success of Hades II, all eyes are now set on its much-anticipated Early Access launch next year.

Source: Supergiant Games