Renowned Japanese game producer Hideo Kojima celebrated his 60th birthday yesterday (August 24th). The beloved "Gaming God" has now reached the traditional Japanese age of "kanreki," or 60 years.
— 小島秀夫 (@Kojima_Hideo) August 24, 2023
Hideo Kojima shared on X (formerly Twitter) that he never thought he would reach this milestone. According to Japanese tradition, people often wear red "chanchanko" (a type of sleeveless garment) on their 60th birthday. However, as he is currently overseas, he opted for a red T-shirt instead. For Kojima, turning 60 doesn't mean his life will change significantly; he even noted that he wouldn't get a discount on movie tickets just because of his age. He doesn't see himself retiring at any specific age and aims to keep creating for the rest of his life.
Source: Twitter/X