Planet of Lana, a cinematic puzzle adventure game, is now available on Steam. Developed by Wishfully Studios, the game follows the journey of a young girl and her loyal friend as they embark on a rescue mission through a colorful world full of cold machines and unfamiliar creatures.
Planet of Lana - Screenshot
The game is framed by an epic sci-fi saga that stretches across centuries and galaxies. The planet that used to be a place of undisturbed balance between human, nature, and animal has now become something else entirely. The disharmony that had been in the making for hundreds of years has finally arrived in the form of a faceless army.
Planet of Lana - Screenshot
However, this is not a story about war. This is a story about a vibrant, beautiful planet – and the journey to keep it that way. The game features unique companion-based gameplay, where players solve puzzles with diverse challenges and quirky twists. Players must carefully navigate dangerous situations using stealth and wit, use their reflexes, and survive challenging action sequences.
Planet of Lana - Screenshot
Players will discover an epic story that stretches across galaxies and centuries. The game's stunning visuals and atmospheric soundtrack create a captivating and immersive experience. Planet of Lana is a must-play for fans of puzzle and adventure games.
Planet of Lana - Screenshot
In conclusion, Planet of Lana is a beautiful and engaging game that takes players on a journey through a vibrant world full of danger and wonder. With its unique gameplay mechanics and epic story, it is sure to captivate players and keep them engaged for hours on end. The game is now available on Steam, so be sure to check it out.