Fans of the Attack on Titan anime series are eagerly anticipating the final season, which will put an end to Eren’s quest for revenge and the Rumbling. The first half of the final season premiered on 4 March this year, and the second half is set to air in the fall. Fans got a glimpse of what to expect from the final season when MAPPA released a new visual. What’s interesting about it is that it doesn’t show any characters or titans but instead focuses on a cabin in the woods with the words “I’ll see you later” on the side. According to director Yuichiro Hayashi, the aim was to invoke imagination as there isn’t anything on it.
— アニメ「進撃の巨人」公式アカウント (@anime_shingeki) May 21, 2023
TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season
「いってらっしゃい エレン」
The Final Season完結編(後編)
However, those who are up to date with the manga know that there is more to it than meets the eye. The towering Titan silhouettes in the background add a foreboding feeling, and the significance of the cabin and its surroundings serve as a perfect visual representation for the series finale.
While some fans are still recovering from the intense first half of the final season, others are excited to see how MAPPA will conclude this beloved series that has been on air for over a decade. Attack on Titan first aired in 2013 and received two anime seasons by WIT Studio. MAPPA then took over for Season 3, which was split into two cours (a span of typically 13 anime episodes that run for three months).
Despite facing scrutiny for releasing a rather minimal poster for Attack on Titan's finale, MAPPA is still set to debut the final episode this fall. Fans can catch up on all previous episodes via Crunchyroll, and for those who have yet to experience this thrilling anime, the synopsis promises a heart-pumping adventure. Humanity has been devastated by giant humanoids known as Titans and has hidden behind giant walls for over a century. But all that is about to change when an immense Titan appears, threatening everything mankind has been trying to protect.
Source: Twitter