Barakamon, a manga series that started serialization back in 2014, has recently announced its TV adaptation.
— ヨシノサツキ公式 (@go_barakamon) April 11, 2023
Barakamon is a popular Japanese anime and manga series that follows the life of Seishu Handa, a young and talented calligrapher who moves to a small island in the Goto Islands in Kyushu, Japan. The series follows Seishu's journey as he tries to find his own style of calligraphy while living with the locals on the island. The story is heartwarming and humorous, exploring themes of self-discovery, friendship, and personal growth.
Barakamon has been praised for its unique characters, beautiful animation, and its ability to balance humor and drama. The series has gained a cult following around the world and has been adapted into an anime television series, a manga series, and a live-action film.
Source: Twitter