Fuma Yamane, a graduate student of Tokyo University of the Arts, recently announced his UE5 marine travel game project 'Whale Fall'.
— 山根 風馬/FumaYamane『Whale Fall』 (@Fuma_Yamane) April 2, 2023
『Whale Fall』を個人制作しました。
2023年夏にSteam・Epic Gamesにて発売予定。#WhaleFall #UE5 #geidai #インディーゲーム pic.twitter.com/NaYdwYIsXl
Whale Fall is a game where you travel as a marine creature. In this game, players will be able to travel in the form of fish and whales. Empowered by Unreal Engine 5, the game is able to deliver gorgeous oceans and ominous depths depicted in rich detail.
Yamane has been posting updates regarding the development of Whale Fall on his YouTube channel. If you are interested, be sure to check it out.
Source: Twitter