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China Announces New Video Game Licenses In August

By Kay Kuo
Aug. 2, 2022 updated 05:00

The National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) has announced new licenses for 69 video games, most of which will be released on mobile platforms except for two on Switch, two on PC, and one on the web browser.

What should be noted is that the two games which received permission to be released on Switch have already found popularity on Steam. One is Flood of Light, developed by Irisloft, receiving 93% positive reviews. It is a puzzle game where players must control light to work mechanisms and explore a city submerged in rainfall. Irisloft released a demo on July 29 for their new game, Amber City, which shares a similar theme but is set in a brand new place.

The other game approved for Switch is My Time at Portia, developed by Pathea Games, having gained 92% positive reviews out of nearly 30 thousand. In the game, players can manage a farm and help the locals build the town. This year in May, Pathea Games released a sequel named My Time At Sandrock, adding more mechanics and with a multiplayer mode in the works.

The Ants: Underground Kingdom is another game on the list worth checking out. The SLG-themed ants’ kingdom was released abroad and had earned 100 million USD in total revenue by May of 2021.

For now, the release of game licenses is more regular than the period called the “license winter”, with the NPPA announcing the approved licenses once a month since June. However, not all companies have been able to get licenses successfully; Tencent and NetEase haven’t got any game licenses since the “license winter”, which started in August 2021.

Source: NPPA