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The Latest Zelda Game is Facing Trademark Squatting in China

By Xueyang
Mar. 3, 2023 updated 05:20

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

On March 3, 2023, the popular video game "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" celebrated its 6th anniversary. Fans of the franchise were excited to hear the news that its sequel, "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom," would officially be released on May 12, only 70 days away.

However, recent reports have surfaced that an individual named Chang has registered multiple trademarks related to the "Breath of the Wild" and "Tears of the Kingdom" games. According to the enterprise search app Qichacha, Chang has successfully registered two "Breath of the Wild" trademarks in 2021, and the trademark for the upcoming "Tears of the Kingdom" game is currently undergoing preliminary examination, with objections accepted until May 27, 2023.

Qichacha ResultsQichacha Results

This news has caused concern among fans and industry professionals alike, as trademark squatting can potentially lead to legal disputes and delays in the release of highly anticipated games. As of now, it is unclear what actions, if any, Nintendo and the creators of the "Legend of Zelda" franchise will take to address this issue.

Fans of the series can only hope that the release of "Tears of the Kingdom" will not be affected by this trademark dispute and that they will be able to enjoy the next installment of the beloved franchise as planned.

Source: Weibo