City Hunter Live-Action Movie
The live-action adaptation of the comic City Hunter, planned and produced by Netflix, will be released exclusively worldwide in 2024.
「シティーハンター」日本で実写映画化決定!冴羽リョウ役は鈴木亮平、監督は佐藤祐市(コメントあり)鈴木亮平 #シティーハンター
— コミックナタリー (@comic_natalie) December 14, 2022
City Hunter is the masterpiece of Japanese manga artist Kitajoji, and was serialized in the weekly magazine Shonen Jump from 1985 to 1991. If you write the word "XYZ" on the message board at Shinjuku Station, the first-class but lustful Saeharu Fango and his colleague Maki Murakami will accept your commission, provided that the commissioner is a beautiful woman.
The Netflix version of City Hunter will be cast by Ryohei Suzuki and directed by Yuichi Sato. The original author Kitajoji says that he hopes that they can not be limited by the form of comics and pursuit of the film's real fun.
Source: Twitter