Fate/Grand Order is a Japanese anime-style gacha mobile game, and the Chinese branch operated by BiliBili just announced that they would create a series of historical documentaries filmed in cooperation with the British Museum, allowing FGO players to learn and understand history from a more true to life perspective. As of now, the first episode of the documentary has been released on BiliBili and is currently only available to be viewed in China.
The documentary is called Walk with Civilizations. According to the introduction, the documentary will film and tell the historically accurate stories of some of FGO’s characters and the artifacts related to them. Since FGO's characters and stories are almost entirely based on different histories, myths and legends, they wanted to draw on the British Museum's rich collections from around the world to tell the stories of player’s favorite characters.
BiliBili also invited Professor Li Xiaodong, a renowned Egyptologist from the Institute for the History of Classical World Civilizations at Northeast Normal University, as the speaker of this episode, telling the story of the Rosetta Stone and Pharaoh Ramses II.
The Rosetta Stone, made in 196 B.C., bears the edict of Ptolemy V's accession in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, ancient Egyptian cursive script and ancient Greek. It is known as the key to the treasures of ancient Egyptian civilization and the most important piece of the collection in the British Museum. Ramses II, also known as Osmundis, is one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history and is loved by players of FGO for his distinctive personality and active performance in the stories.
According to the staff from BiliBili, they hope this collaboration gives players a chance to know more about their favorite characters and the civilizations behind them through the form of a documentary.