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WRL: OMG Suffered Two Losses

By Weilin Li
Apr. 12, 2022 updated 02:12

Two matches were held yesterday in the WRL 2022 Spring Split, where NV and FPX both stood out when facing OMG.

In the series between NV and OMG, in game one, each side lost a champion in a team fight at four minutes. Three minutes later, three players of NV performed a gank against OMG Dustwind. At 12 minutes in, NV achieved a triple kill on the bottom lane. Five minutes later, NV won this round.

OMG and FPX’s bans and picks in the second roundOMG and FPX’s bans and picks in the second round

In game two of the series, at six minutes, Long and Guoguo from NV killed the champion of inYan and Irma from OMG. After this, the kills went to 3:5, with OMG being favored. When 14 minutes in, the two sides tried taking the Dragon, and NV succeeded. NV won the second round and secured victory in the series.

In the series between FPX and OMG, at five minutes, FPX achieved a double kill against OMG on the bottom lane. By 13 minutes, FPX had killed three Dragons, leading in Gold by 9k. FPX soon secured victory in this round.

In round two, at five minutes, a team fight was triggered on the top lane, and FPX Xiaoma lost his champion. At 13 minutes, although OMG achieved a double kill in the bottom lane, FPX showed a stronger play with three Dragon kills. FPX won the series after winning this round.

Currently, NV ranks second, and FPX ranks fourth on the team standings.