The Super Mario Bros. franchise has been a beloved staple in the gaming world for decades, and the recent release of The Super Mario Bros. Movie has only solidified its global impact. With a box office gross of $377 million worldwide, the film has reignited fans' passion for the iconic characters and their adventures.
The game series, which features Mario and his brother Luigi, has been a favorite among gamers of all ages since its debut in 1985. The series has spawned countless spin-offs, merchandise, and even theme parks.
Today, we have some great Super Mario Bros. cosplay for you. Enjoy!
Cosplayer: 希希跟你拼了
Source: Weibo
Super Mario Bros Cosplay
Cosplayer: 京野柒末_
Source: Weibo
Super Mario Bros Cosplay
Princess Peach
Cosplayer: Midori Cat Doll
Source: Twitter
Super Mario Bros Cosplay
Cosplayer: HeatherAfter
Source: Twitter
Super Mario Bros Cosplay
Princess Peach
Cosplayer: Lil_G_cosplay
Source: Twitter
Super Mario Bros Cosplay