The horror puzzle-solving game In Nightmare, developed by Beijing Magic Fish Studio, released its latest gameplay trailer in the PlayStation Hero Project Showcase. The game will be released on PS4/5 and Steam on Nov 30th, published by Astrolabe.
In Nightmare is a narrative-driven horror adventure game combining sneak action with diverse puzzles. It follows a young boy in search of the last hope of love and who is working out his own salvation by navigating through his fear.
In the game, players will have to escape from the young boy’s inside worlds that are full of dangerous traps and enemies. Each nightmare world is like a giant lethal theme park, and players need to carefully observe and use the surrounding elements, including enemies, objects and props, to build their own route to sneak out through.
In addition to the carefully designed traps, stealth gameplay and combat system, the game also provides a trove of collectable items and multiple storylines for players to dig through and explore. The truth behind the dream world within may be completely different based on the player’s actions and the items collected.