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Your Brainwaves Do Tell Us Your Play Style

Experience NOK's brainwave meter at TGS2022
By CaesarZX
Sep. 20, 2022 updated 11:00

Japanese electronic manufacturer NOK's booth at TGS2022 features a demo that tells you your play style by measuring brain waves.

A cap that detects your brainwaves.A cap that detects your brainwaves.

When it comes to brainwave detection, many people probably think of the image of a huge metal helmet with lots of wires. But this time, NOK's brainwave meter fits into just a small baseball cap. Electrodes are attached to each ear during the test, and there are many sensors within the hat. By playing Rocket League with another person, the EEG uses the five measurements it takes to determine which of the playstyle profiles they have made fits you best.

Source: 4Gamer

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