A board game inspired by the popular Japanese fantasy comedy seinen manga series Delicious in Dungeon and the masterpiece card game Monster Maker called “Monster Eater: Delicious in Dungeon Board Game” will be released on September 15.
【新商品】大人気コミック「ダンジョン飯」がボードゲームになって登場! そのモンスター、調理するといい食材になるかも!? 原作者による描きおろし多数の『モンスターイーター ~ダンジョン飯 ボードゲーム~』は9月15日発売予定!https://t.co/3whllv57PC pic.twitter.com/6UgzvMHOsD
— アークライトゲームズ (@ArclightGames) August 10, 2022
The original manga, Delicious in Dungeon, is a gourmet fantasy manga by Ryoko Kui. The manga follows the story of a group of adventurers attempting to slay a dragon and find food (monsters) inside the dungeon. An anime television series adaptation by Studio Trigger has been announced.
The board game also borrows from Monster Maker by Ginichiro Suzuki, who passed away in 2021. With the permission of Ginichiro Suzuki, one of Japan's leading board game designers, Seiji Kanai, led the adaptation of the game.
Dungeon monsters can be made into delicious food
Source: denfaminicogamer
Contributed by nado