The Legend of Sword and Fairy (仙剑奇侠传) series, the most well-known Chinese role-playing game franchise, has been reigning supreme in the hearts of Chinese gamers for two generations, and its fourth installment will be adapted to an animated series under a new project led by Bilibili.
Since the first game in the series was published by Taiwan's Softstar Entertainment(大宇资讯) in 1995, the franchise has spawned a total of seven sequels and multiple spin-offs, as well as several popular TV series.
On Nov 23, it has been officially announced that the production of an animated series adapted from the fourth installment of the series, The Legend of Sword and Fairy 4, has begun. This is going to be the very first full-length animated series ever produced in the franchise's 26-year long life.
The development of this animation project is led by Bilibili, the largest Chinese UGC video platform, and is part of its Chinese original animation strategy, which includes over 51 new animation works and contents.
With their changing strategy, the company took this opportunity to change its slogan from "Made for China" to "Made for World", which fully reflects the company's ambition to enter the global market.
In the past four years, the cumulative number of viewers on Bilibili's "Made for China" animation channel has exceeded 340 million, and the viewing time has exceeded 1.92 billion hours, with an average annual growth rate of 40%, and the total number of user interactions has reached 2 billion.